This has been a good weekend. Great sermon tonight, if I say so myself (and I do). Can't post it because it was for the evening service, and I rarely even have good notes. But it was good. Really good.
I learned a new crafty this weekend: making perfect-bound journals using photos as the covers. Found the tutorial here and just wanted to give it a try. I really like how it's coming out (not quite done yet) and I think I've found my mother's day gifts for my mom and the Exceptional One's mother.
I finally got what I think are going to be pretty good pictures of the Carrot Island ponies. There was a small herd grazing and frisking about, and I for once had the good camera with the good lens and some relatively fresh film. Hope to get 'em printed this week. Anything particularly good (or frankly, only okay), will likely make it to my Etsy shop. Not that I expect them to sell, but there's something about having it that makes me want to do more. And I've been pretty happy the last 10 days or so, having taken pictures, sewn a nifty project, and now made a little book, and will likely make more.
And I got a chance to hang out with Wyldth1ng this weekend, too. He lives not too far from here, and came to Beaufort for the afternoon. We hung out, ate seafood, and talked all afternoon--fun stuff.
Yep, all in all a good weekend. I even did chores in the morning before Ben got up. That's me--I'm just good that way. :)