
Monday, June 15, 2009

Five graces and a confession

Well, maybe the confession first: I've been too busy to blog. There's lots going on; Ben's mother is moving to a new place, I still haven't seen my new nephew, I have a paper due Monday for a class for which I'm still wading through the reading, I have 3 new book groups starting tomorrow, Annual Conference was last week, and on and on and one. But the truth is I've been cheating on Blogger with Wordpress. I don't have anything up yet because I don't know what I migrate this blog, to start something new, I don't know. When I know, I'll blog about it.
But in the meantime, here are five long overdue graces:
1: Annual Conference is over :)
2: I have officially eaten the first tomatoes from my garden
3: Today I went to the Chocolate exhibit at the NC Natural Sciences museum. God bless 'em.
4: There are baby squashes growing in my garden, just as cute as can be
5: There may be a lot going on in my life, but it's a lot of good (mostly...more than enough, anyway!)

1 comment:

  1. ooohhhh wordpress??? i've taken a peek here and there... but only a peek.

    blessings to you as you navigate the books, the paper, the family, the garden... whew!


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