
Saturday, November 22, 2008


So the word 'meh', popularized in the animated sitcom, "The Simpsons", has made its way into common parlance.
Well Duh!
I mean, Doh!
I remember my fraternity brothers (yes, I said fraternity. It was a coed service fraternity) saying "Doh!" a lot. I mean a lot a lot.
So anyway, meh pretty well fits how I feel right now.
I've done some grocery shopping.
I've done some laundry.
I've revised my DMin project prospectus.
I've played with the dog.
I've cooked a healthy and nutritious meal.
I've talked to mom and got the 411 on what I need to bring to Thanksgiving.
I'm getting ready to put our new down-alternative comforter on the's cold out there.
It should feel like a productive day, but somehow it's meh.
Think I'm just tired...I'm going to bed early tonight.

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