
Monday, March 12, 2007

Chimes Article March 12 (Ski Trip)

Ponderous Thoughts

“I don’t have a pet, but if I did, I’d name him ‘Peeve.’” --Anonymous

Sometimes we just need a good laugh!
I am safely back from the MYF ski trip, and I managed to bring everyone back with all their parts intact. Sure, there were some scrapes and bruises, but everyone seemed to have a good time, and we didn’t lose anything major (maybe a hat here or a glove here). We also all had a pretty good time. We took one youth who wasn’t able to ski due to an injury, and he went snow-tubing with some of the other youth. We had one who took a pretty hard fall the first night, and she got up the next morning (sore) and went to take a ski lesson…after that, she couldn’t be stopped! We even ate great food and stayed in nice rental houses (which may never be the same).
You know, there were lots of moments there when we could have found something to be annoyed at: the bus was not as big this trip as we needed, and so a parent had to drive her own car, even though we had planned to all go on the bus. It’s a long, long, long bus ride in really close quarters, and there are never enough beds to go around on a trip like this. There were 4 bathrooms for 44 people…do the math. But we really didn’t let ourselves get peevish (you knew I’d get that quote in here somehow!)—instead we mostly succeeded in laughing things off, learning to have a good time despite living in each other’s back pockets, and we must have done okay…next year we want to go for 4 days!
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes…a good time was had by all!

PS: Many many thanks to Keith, the only other adult from our group to go, for his unfailing even temper and grace. Hey, Keith, want to go next time?

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