Ponderous Thoughts
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." --attributed to St. Francis of Assisi
I have to say I don't really think that St. Francis was the originator of the above statement. I've heard it credited to any number of people. Truth be told, it doesn't much matter who said it; it makes some pretty good sense. If we don't have something in our lives we are passionate about, something that's important enough to us that it affects how we think and make decisions, then we can become direction-less, floundering, letting other people and events guide our lives. In the Body of Christ, we are meant to act together to understand the will of God for us all, to act for the good of all, and to keep in mind those whom Christ lived and died to save (that is, pretty much everyone).
Our church keeps others in mind a great deal, through large projects and small ones. This month, we'll have another opportunity: The Relay for Life is an annual event to raise both money for research and awareness about cancer. The core of the event is a "marathon" walk in May, where teams of people commit to walk for 20 hours, with sponsors making donations to the American Cancer Society. There are numbers of fundraisers, whose variety is only limited by the imagination of those supporting the Relay: purple bows for mailboxes, luminaries to honor and remember loved ones, even a scrapbooker's Crop for a Cure, sponsored by Ann Street Members.
All of us have seen loved ones suffer from cancer. My uncle Bill Darwin died 3 years ago in May from cancer, and since then I have participated in the Relay for Life in his memory, and that of my maternal grandparents. I buy luminaries to honor my aunt and cousins and the hospice workers who were Bill's caregivers. There will be a purple ribbon in front of my house to show my support. I will look for sponsors, and I will walk, with Rhonda and the other members of the Ann Street team, and pray that more effective treatments for this awful disease may be found.
We can all help. If you aren't able to join the team and walk, help us raise funds, support the team with food and drinks at the Relay itself, and pray for our success and for a cure. Call Rhonda and see how you can help, or join us at the next Team Meeting. Finding a cure for cancer is something we can all stand for.
[Note: Anyone can donate to the ACS to help...I'll attach a link shortly]
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