
Friday, January 7, 2011

RevGals F5: the post-post holiday edition

Says kathrynzj:
Not so fast, revgals and pals!!!

Yes, I know it's January and yes, I know some of us are still on a cool sprint after only a brief respite (if that) from Advent and Christmas BUT... before we move too far along into The Next, I wanted to give us a chance to reflect on What Was.

A couple of staff members and I sat down today and wrote down what worked and didn't work during the Advent and Christmas season. There are quite a few things bearing down on us at the moment so it was a discipline to do it, but ten and a half months from now Future Me is going to LOVE that we made the effort.

And so partly to give us all a record and partly to give us all a chance to reflect on the 2010 Holiday Season now that we are out of it, I ask you this:

1) What food item was one of your favorites this year - a definite keeper?
Turkey breast roasted in the crockpot with cranberry sauce (not jellied), apple cider, and spices. Yum! And I really don't even like turkey very much; not a poultry fan. But I'm trying out the crockpot as chicken roaster tomorrow, using Martha Stewart's Roasted Chicken 101 recipe, with onion, garlic, sage, and lemon. It's great in the oven...
2) Was there a meal or party or a gathering that stands out in your mind from this most recent holiday season?
Hmmm...I blogged here about the most memorable moment of the holiday season, which took place on Christmas Eve. Enjoyed having company for Christmas brunch and having the house all pretty for our open house two weeks before Christmas.
3) Were you involved in a jaw-dropper gift? Were you the giver or recipient or an on-looker?
Not this year; we were mostly low-key, although splurging on the Exceptionals is just a fact of life. My sister texted me Christmas Eve to say that there were more than a hundred gifts in her house...I'm not sure how they were able to walk around in the living room!
4) Was there at least one moment where you experienced true worship?
See #2.
5) What is at least one thing you want to make sure you do next year?
Have spiced cider around for weeks on end. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it. And cook a lot again. I enjoyed that, too!
BONUS: What is something you absolutely must remember to do differently... or not at all!
OR: If you just want to sum it all up in a few words, that will work too.
Take pictures. Build a fire in the fireplace a couple of times. Allow plenty of time for sleep. Make Christmas cookies sooner, so I can actually enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. I love your bonus answers. Pace seems to be the key in December, for sure. Thanks for playing!


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