
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Post #600 and good riddance 2009

Well, I didn't intend for this to be a milestone post, but if I'm going to look at the counter and post on New Year's Eve, then I guess I have to deal with the consequences. :)
So, a new year is on the way. I'm ready to be done with 2009. It's been a tough year; I'm way behind on my dissertation but still trying to graduate on time. The summer unbloggables derailed me for months, which surprised me. I didn't anticipate that anything would throw me quite that far out of kilter. I dropped my eating plan, so I've gained some weight back. I didn't kayak nearly enough, and I have taken almost no pictures. I'm tired...I slept all day Monday, and I feel like I could go to sleep now. No, I won't be sorry to see the year end.
But there have been some great things about this year too. My nephew, Exceptional Two, came along this spring. I got to be with Exceptional One for her birthday. We paid off, as of today, all our debt except the student loans, so we own both vehicles outright (thanks for the truck, Dad--it couldn't have come at a better time!) and we have no credit cards or hospital debt. We also celebrated our 10th anniversary this week. And tonight I'm making turkey corn chowder and tomorrow, black-eyed pea soup.
Yeah, 2009's not been all bad. I'm still looking for a much better 2010.

1 comment:

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