
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Not so disciplined

I started this blogging business as a kind of spiritual discipline, an attempt to do a little journaling with some consistency, and on that level, I've done okay (not great, but okay). But the last two weeks have been tough. I've been busier than usual, which is impressive for me, since I view busy as basically a way of life. I've been really preoccupied with the new worship service, although I feel a lot better about it now that the first service has gone so well.
I have to say that I'm a little impressed with myself. I've generated (with lots of help and input) multiple PowerPoint presentations, which I've taught myself. I've designed multiple ads, from flyers and handouts to newspaper and slick copy. I've read and studied a fair bit in the last 3 or 4 months about worship, particularly contemporary worship, emergent church, and looking ahead for some direction into what to expect for and from the UMC. That's been a pretty substantial amount of work, but I've really enjoyed it.
And now it's time for the ski trip. Friday morning we'll load up 42 kids and adults into a charter bus and head for West Virginia, for skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing. I will be in the house, spending my time making hot chocolate and maybe cookies, and tending to whichever folks aren't on the slopes (Ben among them). If we have wireless access, which I doubt, I'll post updates and maybe some pictures. If not, there will be a few more days I don't manage to blog.
As weak as this effort is, it's all I've got for tonight. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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